
From Chrono Stars

Plural Vitakeo, utakeos
Adjectival Utakean
Other names Osarva (Morish)
Classification Endothermic avian
Body form Quadrupedal symmetrical tetrapod
Locomotion Terrestrial, arboreal, aquatic
Height range 2m - 2.4m
Weight range 76kg - 86kg
Metabolism Medium-fast rate
Biochemistry Carbon-based
Respiration Aerobic
Diet Omnivorous or carnivorous
Native Sigzlor
Population 2 billion
Distribution Kingsward planets, primarily Sigzlor
Common languages Rwyagra
Social behavior Prosocial
Political status Kin
Adolescence 10 to 14 years
Adulthood 14 to 90 years
Geriatric 110+ years
Average lifespan 90 to 120 years

The utakeo (/u.tɑː.kiː.oʊ/) species hails from craggy coasts lined with tall trees found all throughout their home planet of Sigzlor. Although they have a lumbering quadrupedal gait on land where they must balance their bulky upper bodies with their clawed forearms, vitakeo[1] are more at home climbing sheer vertical surfaces such as cliffs or trees, where their scythe-like foreclaws let them cling to anything they can puncture, or swimming through tumultuous waters without technological or magical assistance. Archaeological evidence suggests that their ancient civilizations could be reliable messengers for non-aquatic species or hostile occupants of critical waterways and oceanic trade routes; however, their widespread distribution all throughout Sigzlor makes tracing the species' cultural heritage and biological evolution in a linear path notoriously difficult compared to more "stationary" Kin. It is often said that as soon as an utakean archaeological site is dated as being "the oldest" for the species, or a biological missing link in their fossil record is documented, another site or fossil will be discovered that throws all present-day understanding of the ancient vitakeo into question.

  1. Vitakeo is the proper plural form of utakeo, though informal pluralizations such as "utakeos" are common throughout Ealdremen, especially in regions where vitakeo are not especially numerous.
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