Ealdremen system

From Chrono Stars

The Ealdremen system is a binary star system located in the God's Path Arm of the Wyretorra Galaxy, though for much of its history, its inhabitants believed erroneously that their system had only one sun, either the sun Topple-King for civilizations located kingsward or the sun Usurper for civilizations that lie kingsaway. Ealdremen is home to a multitude of habitable planets, many of which have multiple examples of species achieving sentience, sapience, and eventual society. It is characterized by usage of advanced technology and magic from a recent bygone age known as the Millennial Calm, a then-unprecedented era of peace and innovation that came to an abrupt end with a system-wide apocalyptic event.


Ealdremen has two stars most commonly called Topple-King and Usurper, though names for either star vary greatly across cultures and languages found throughout the system. Both stars are of similar mass to one another and orbit around a central point in the solar system. Perhaps because the stars are of similar size and are so distant from one another, there is no evidence suggesting that either star has ever "stolen" orbiting bodies from one another.

Kingsward planets

Planets that orbit Topple-King are described as kingsward planets.

Telluric planets

Telluric planets are relatively small planets primarily made up of rock or metal. Of the seven telluric planets that orbit Topple-King, five or six, depending on how the since-destroyed planet of Mioura is designated, are classified as inhabited. The seventh, known as Herald, orbits most closely to Topple-King and is generally regarded as unsuitable for life due to the resulting conditions from its orbit and thick atmosphere.

Giant planets

Giant planets may be made up of gases or ice, and, as their name suggests, are much larger than telluric planets. Only one gas giant orbits kingsward, though it is speculated that other gas giants may have existed in the earliest days of Ealdremen's formation before they were absorbed by this singular giant planet. Three ice giants historically could be found at the outer reaches of what was known space in Ealdremen before the "discovery" of Usurper and its associated celestial bodies, but astronomical surveys since the Watershed suggests that one of them — the ice giant Olou Raunéme — was destroyed like Mioura during the calamitous event.

Kingsaway planets

Due to the lingering hostilities from the planet Nethere's inhabitants and the relative recency of this "half" of Ealdremen's discovery, astronomical surveys of kingsaway bodies are incomplete. It is likely that Netherian astronomers have more complete pictures of the solar system, but such information has not been shared with anyone outside of Nethere.

Telluric planets

Chrono Stars

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