Creed, often abbreviated to Cr, is the name of the primary currency backed by the Gerualdi Union since 3231 CGC during the Millennial Calm. It has no sub-units, meaning that one creed is the lowest unit in the currency system. Because of its widespread nature and association with the system's most prominent economic force, the creed is the closest any currency is to a universal currency in Ealdremen.
In territories held by the Union throughout Gerualdi and nearby space, creeds are primarily a digital currency that automatically exchange with more localized currencies. Beyond Gerualdi, the length of time it would take for data to transfer across huge spans of space, even compressed to simple numbers, means that creeds are most often dealt in physical currency in intervals of five, ten, fifty, one hundred, five hundred, one thousand, five thousand, and ten thousand. While physical currency in intervals smaller than five exist, they are not in common use and are mostly collected for their novelty, and it is rare for non-Gerualdian areas to have prices that do not end in a multiple of five as a result. Within areas where creeds are typically digital, it is relatively common for prices to become more "specific" and to end in values other than five or zero.
Exchange rates of creeds to other currencies are closely monitored by the Union's top economists, and the importance of the creed as a currency means that favorable conversions into creeds can be enormous boons for small economies or aspiring merchants hoping to take their business to a greater stage. Most major cities and spaceports throughout Ealdremen have at least one location capable of converting physical or digital local currencies into creeds, most of which are managed by the Gerualdi Union or otherwise associated directly with them.